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    Legal information

    Last update : 6 September 2024


    For the sake of simplicity, we often use the masculine form in the text of this website. In these cases, it naturally includes the feminine form.



    Société anonyme with a Board of Directors Registered with the RCS of Nanterre under number 403 144 355

    1, rue Lavoisier – 92000 Nanterre

    REP identifiers

    • CITEO identifier: FR210261_01YMJW
    • Eco.DDS identifier: FR210261_07GGVB
    • CYCLEVIA Ecocontribution identifier: FR210261_23BLQG

    Site editor :

    FLF, 1 rue Lavoisier – 92000 Nanterre Telephone: +33 (0) E-mail: siege@fuchs.com Siret: 403 144 355 00019 Code APE: 1920Z TVA intra-communautaire: FR23403144355

    Responsible for publication - Director of publication :

    Mr Max-Antoine Grolleron

    Hosting :

    TWL-KOM GmbH

    The use, copying and distribution of documentation published by FLF on this Web server is permitted provided that each copy contains this copyright notice in its entirety and that no part of the documentation is used for commercial purposes but is limited to informational use within the company. All information published on this Web server is provided “as is” without any representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Any FLF documentation may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. FLF may make changes or additions to any information contained on this site at any time.

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